Local 326 Presidential Candidate
Egbert J. Williams
When workers rights are under attack what do you say? Say hell no and fight back! If you want change vote Egbert J. Williams for President.
Wednesday, June 1st, 2022 Voting
Brothers and sisters,
I want to inform you that the voting did not go as planned. According to the vote count I received 74 votes, and the selected president received 140 votes. I kept my dignity and ran a clean campaign because it was never my intention to win by any means necessary. However, I put my money, time, and energy into this process because I strongly believe in my brothers and sisters in the field, and some of the things I believe in should have been accomplished many moons ago. Having done that, the turnout was extremely low and I understand why. Some of it is due to a lack of information and transparency in the voting process. The voters should have been informed and reminded by the union of the "election". Some of the people who came out to vote only knew about this "election" because of me going into the field and informing my brothers and sisters. Some of the information I requested was received late.
As stated by Abraham Lincoln during his November 19, 1863, The Gettysburg Address, "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth". One of the things that I will strongly advocate for before the next union election will be electoral reform in our local so that anyone in the field could run and become president. Mark Twain said, "Loyalty to the country always, loyalty to the government when it deserves it". I would like to paraphrase that and say, "Loyalty to your union always, and to your union leaders only when they deserve it.
As president, I would have been able to be in a better position to advocate on your behalf; however, that does not deter me from advocating. With your support, we can get the change we deserve.
Thanks to each and every one of my brothers and sisters for your support.
You humble brother, Egbert.

Hello my brothers and sisters, I am running for President of the Carpenters Local 326. The Presidential Election is on June 1st.
Attention: Every member from Carpenters Local 326 will be receiving a postcard from me in a couple of days through the union. You should receive it at your last known address.
*If you do not receive a postcard from me before the election please inform me.
My desire is to be a Servant President of the people, by the people and for the people. I will be accessible and reachable - especially for my brothers and sisters in the field. When you call I will answer.
To those of you who want change in the field I am your man- I heard your cries and that is why I am running for President of Local 326.
• Served on the Mentoring Committee
• Mentoring and Retention committee
• Delegate
• Political Action Committee (PAC)
• Treasurer
• I was in the process of being an instructor at Domus in Stamford, but during the course of making it legal Covid-19 came.
• Served as Shop Steward on many jobs
• Currently serve as a day shift Shop Steward with Orion at Target in Trumbull
• Certificate from Cornell University in Labor Relations and have recently completed a course in “How to form a Union in the Work Place”